SpineTimeTM System
World’s first automated system for the diagnosis and therapy of musculoskeletal dysfunctions, available for everyone via REHApp – mobile app
Created by physiotherapists for patients

SpineTimeTM System sets one diagnostic and therapeutic format. REHApp is a tool for rapid diagnosis and therapy of musculoskeletal dysfunctions, confirmed by clinical trials and used broadly by our patients

Self examination
Conduct a self-analysis of the indicated symptoms

Pain analysis
Find out where your problem comes
from (education)

Therapy of dysfunction
Improve your body mechanics and reduce discomfort
Effectively reduces back pain
or discomfort by 33%*
SpineTime System is based solely on SpineTime INDEX – the world’s first indicator to quantitatively illustrate musculoskeletal dysfunctions (MSDs) at a distance
*average for all sections of the spine – research under the patronage of NCBiR

Effective diagnosis of musculoskeletal dysfunctions

Risk factors considered

AI-powered decision making algorithm

Personalized self-therapy

Protection of sensitive health data (GDPR, HIPAA, etc.)

Scientifically proven original SpineTime method
Compliant with the highest standards of quality and data security

Guided by HIPAA and FDA regulations in the US

ISO 13485, quality management system for medical devices and standardized solution

Following the highest standards in data security and protection (ISO/IEC 27001, EU GDPR)

Ongoing DiGA submission in Germany

CE certified, Class I medical device aligned with the European MDR 2017/745

DTx adoption; following the standards of e-health in Germany (S3 Guideline)
Take care of yourself and your health now. REHApp is a professional tool created by physiotherapists who, together with their patients, for 10 years have developed an effective method of analysis and personalized therapy of spine pain syndromes. REHApp is a wealth of medical knowledge based on many years of experience and clinical research available on your phone

Self examination
It takes the patient only 10 minutes to complete a simple 6-step PainTest to answer questions about the source, intensity and occurrence of pain
Given only the lumbar spine, we have extracted over 1 700 000 correlation factors in order to come up with a dysfunctional diagnosis.

Pain analysis
Once PainTest is completed, the SpineTime System generates a targeted Q&A questionnaire to optimize accuracy in identifying of pain
Algorythms process each information to set a pattern for symptom dynamics. We analyse patient’s tissue dynamics in all directions and levels (3D).
Diagnosis of dysfunction causing the pain
SpineTime is the world’s first AI-powered system with scientifically proven algorithms that measure and patiently explain a patient’s pain problems
EDUCATION. We give greater importance to patient’s getting the nature of their problem. SpineTime delivers personalised, easy-to-understand scope of diagnostics.

Full scope diagnosis of dysfunction
Each correction technique, each excercise has it’s logical assessed values of intensity, scope and direction. All those parametres render an enormous amount of data, that is being processed into full scope diagnosis and safe correlation (machine learning)

Personalized therapeutic protocols
Having received an accurate DIAGNOSIS OF DYSFUNCTION with our AI and clinical evidence-based symptom checker, a precise personalized therapeutic protocol is crafted. The protocol merges physiotherapy and osteopath techniques in order to improve your body mechanics and reduce discomfort

For 10 years, together with our patients, we have been working on developing an effective method of analysing pain syndromes of the spine. We know how to test and treat them effectively and we have proven it scientifically
Therapeutic session
The session consists of precisely chosen set of excercises to be processed at home / office space anytime avaliable
SpineTime techniques always work towards therapeutic effect meaning improving the effectiveness of manual therapy in pain reduction

SpineTimeTM library consists of hundreds of guided excercising technique videos, each exactly explaining the methodology, step-by-step procedure, effectiveness and optional equipment if needed

Progress tracking
SpineTimeTM algorythms watch over patient’s feedback, and provide adequate amendments to recommended therapy to achieve more effective treatment results.
Therapy progress and results can be shared on-the-fly with patient’s physiotherapist/ medical doctor.
Download REHApp by SpineTimeTM
AI-powered physiotherapist at your fingertips

Frequently asked questions
To install the REHApp on your phone or tablet, you currently need to send an email specifying your device’s operating system (iOS or Android). In the near future, we will make a public version available through the Apple Store and Google Play Store.
REHApp is a digital application that is based on the evidence-based concept of musculoskeletal analyze of pain and therapy.
This means through different therapy elements, REHApp encourages you to get physically active and to proactively manage your back pain. It combines several approaches that have proven to be particularly effective when used together.
The therapy program consists of 3 different elements:
- Analyze – a three-plane, clinically proven system for analyzing tissue behaviors felt by patients during test movements and encoded in the form of SpineTime INDEX. SpineTime INDEX forms the basis for the development of individual therapeutic protocols.
- Movement – Physical exercise routines tailored to your specific syndromes and needs, with varying directions of movement and levels of difficulty.
- Feedback – A system of reference test movements, allowing the therapeutic protocol to be adapted to changes in the patient/user condition.
- Knowledge – Understanding the cause of your back pain and the connections in your body helps you to manage it more efficiently.
Your therapy starts with a PainTest questionnaire to determine your baseline condition. Your answers help us understand you back pain better and allow us to tailor the workouts to your needs.
The application can help you relieve your back pain symptoms such as pain or restricted movement.
We advise our users to follow the instructions as closely as possible. This way you can use REHApp safely and get most out of the program.
Each daily protocol has three versions:
Full exercise program (approx. 15 minutes),
Shortened exercise program (approx. 7 minutes),
Discreet exercise program (approx. 2 minutes).
The full and shortened programs can be performed a maximum of 3 times within 24 hours. Afterward, it is automatically blocked to avoid overloading the spine in a specific mobilization direction. The discreet program has no quantitative or time limitations and can be performed multiple times, considering the painless condition. The painless condition is an integral part of each technique video, in the form of verbal information provided by the narrator.
Each mechanical dysfunction correction program for a specific spinal segment is limited to 28 daily protocols, available for 56 days. The exercise duration, number of repetitions, and technique selection have been developed and confirmed based on patient participation in studies.
Warning. REHApp is a medical device (I class) and should only be used for purposes consistent with its intended use, as described in this manual. Before using the application, a doctor or physiotherapist should confirm that REHApp is suitable for the user’s specific health situation. REHApp does not provide medical diagnosis; it only analyzes information provided by the user while working with the application.
Failure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations through the application, not adhering to the specified order of performing selected therapeutic techniques, improper responses to control questions regarding progress and changes in the user’s condition may result in an exacerbation of symptoms, increased pain sensations, and neurological symptoms in the limbs.
The selected type of protocol (full – about 15 minutes; partial – about 5 minutes; or discrete – about 1.5 minutes) should be performed at least once a day, unless you have been instructed otherwise by your doctor. Use of RehApp can contribute to improving common complaints associated with low back pain like the intensity of pain or impaired movement.
The user manual describes how to use the REHApp application as intended. Before using the application, a doctor or physiotherapist should confirm that there are no contraindications to using REHApp. REHApp does not provide medical diagnosis or medical treatment.
After installing and registering in the application, the user will be asked to provide basic information and perform six safe test movements with a specific spinal segment according to the instructions, and then subjectively assess the level of pain sensations during their execution. Based on the SpineTime Index, a personalized individual program containing sets of therapeutic exercises optimized based on the user’s current condition is selected. Daily exercise sets are diverse. Every third day, the user performs a reference mobility test, providing necessary information whose analysis determines the automatic adaptation process of the set according to the user’s current condition.
- Your Daily Program
REHApp offers an extensive training program that includes knowledge, workout, and feedback of information about your condition. As previously mentioned, such a multimodal pain therapy is particularly effective for treating back pain. REHApp is unique because it provides a new, personalized mix of your therapy program every day, based on analyze of your mechanical’s syndromes.
From your account you can start your session of your selected courses. To begin an exercise, tap on a course and then select “Start”.
2.1 Course overview
You can choose your Daily Program (full, partial, discreet). To choose your program, select the bottom of the screen. REHApp selects appropriate techniques based on your current mechanical condition. The selection of appropriate techniques is carried out according to the principles adopted in physiotherapy and osteopathy, i.e., maintaining the principles of ergonomics, safety, intensity and direction of correction.
In your Daily Program, you’ll receive one unit or exercise each day.
2.2 Movement
Physical exercises and corrections are the cornerstone of your daily therapy program. REHApp will select the best physical exercises and directional corrections for your everyday based on the answers you provided when you completed your initial questionnaire and the feedback you give every 4-days segment. To start your daily physical exercise session, start the app and you’ll have access to a checkbox between 3 types of your Daily Program.
You can choose the length of the workout by selecting the desired length for your workout. Once you start your Daily Program, the exercise videos will be loaded into REHApp.
Please note: We recommend connecting to WiFi each time you use REHApp to ensure best performance. If you choose not to connect to WiFi, please check with your network service provider regarding data usage and overages.
Step 1: Instruction video
Before each physical exercise, REHApp will show you a short introduction explaining the exercise. Be sure to pay close attention to how the exercise is done and how to maintain proper form. If you forget the instructions or need a reminder, you can always revisit the introduction video during the exercise session. To do this, press the “BACK” button.
To end the instructional video and go to the exercise video, press the „Start Exercise” button at the bottom of the screen. You will be taken to the page with the actual exercise.
Step 2: Doing your REHApp mechanical corrections and physical exercises
After the instructions, it’s your turn to exercise!
Simply do the exercise for the duration indicated by the timer in the right corner of the exercise video screen. To pause your training, press the “Pause” button. To stop your exercise, select the white “X” button in the top-right corner.
Please note: If you stop the exercise, progress will not be saved.
Pausing exercises
Once you’ve paused the exercise, you will be shown the “Pause” screen. From this screen, you can skip the exercise, cancel the training, or revisit the instructions by tapping on the respective button.
What makes training effective is different for everyone, focus on finding a rhythm that works for you and your everyday life. Where you do the REHApp workout is entirely up to you. Many of our users find it helpful to always do the exercises in the same place. This makes it easier to develop a routine and to integrate the exercises regularly into your daily life. Experiment with when and where the REHApp exercises fit best into your daily routine until you find what works for you. The most important thing is that you stick to your REHApp program regularly!
2.5 Knowledge
In the user account, which you have access to thanks to the button in the upper right corner of the screen, you can get information about the current problem you are working on (characteristics of symptoms, characteristics of the behavior of your pain in relation to the whole painful spine, mechanical problem to solve and our goal (workout).
In addition, your progress and daily activity in the execution of the protocol will be monitored, presented in the form of graphs.
With this information, REHApp provides you with comprehensive knowledge about the causes and effects of back pain.
Understanding the causes of your pain will help you better actively address them. Here you can learn more about your back pain and what strategies you can use to relieve it. These knowledge sessions consist of interactive text elements, screens and short videos.
3.The information is presented to you in your user’s account.
These six areas are:
- “Your current problem”
- “Correction protocol”
- “Your progress”
- “Your activity”
- “History of your correction protocol sessions”
- “Settings Tab”
3.1 Your current problem:
It describes the information indicated during the last questionnaire about current pain.
3.2 Correction protocol:
It describes the mechanical basis of the current pain problem and the goals to be achieved to reduce or eliminate the mechanical restrictions responsible for the problem.
3.3 Your progress
Indicating the change in your overall status (based on a comparison of the SpineTime INDEX value at the beginning of the correction protocol and the last User’s feedback).
There are three icons that indicate a change in the current state:
Improvement (green icon with up arrow),
Stagnation (yellow icon with right arrow),
Deterioration (red icon with down arrow).
3.4 Your activity
Chart showing weekly activity (number and time of correction protocols).
3.5 History of your correction protocol sessions
It presents previous protocols performed to correct pain conditions of all sections of the spine.
3.6 Settings tab
In the upper right corner of the screen, in the user account there is a circle with access to the parameters of your account. In the “Settings” tab, you can update your personal information, view legal documents and adjust other settings. You can correct your name, email address, gender, date of birth, height, weight and password.
- REHApp is not a replacement for medical advice. Please consult your physician if you have any medical questions.
- Always adhere to the instructions given in REHApp and be sure to give honest answers to the questions asked during sign-up and after the physical exercises in REHApp.
- Your REHApp account contains personal information and allows us to customize your program for you. Therefore, never share your REHApp account with other people. Please note that the use of REHApp is limited to private, non-shared devices. However, information about the behavior of your ailments may be of interest to your doctor or physiotherapist. They are exclusively your property and if you wish, you can consult them with your physician.
- Update your app as soon as we notify you about an update, as it may contain important security-related content.
- Building habits
We all have different ways of approaching change in our lives. While some can instantly add a new habit, others need more time to adjust. Whatever your situation, the key to implementing long-term change is to form habits. Below is some advice that has helped REHApp users make the most of REHApp System and their therapy program.
4.1 Make concrete plans
Getting started with REHApp is easier when you set a fixed time in your schedule to do your Daily Program: the more concrete, the better. For example, set your training schedule to do your physical exercises every day in the morning (at least one corrective movement, guaranteeing the continuity of the correction protocol (discreet protocol). Make sure you have your workout clothes and exercise mat set up and ready to go.
For some of our users, it helps to always do the physical exercises in the same room. However, REHApp allows you to train anytime and anywhere, so feel free to try different locations and times to see what works best for you. This makes it easier for you to make your workouts a habit.
4.2 Set realistic goals
REHApp adapts your program to your physical and mechanical condition and eliminates exercises that can worsen your condition or cause a relapse. The program is selected so as to maintain the results of our correction as long as possible. Trying to achieve goals by relying on implementing radical changes will often result in failure. There is a reason that New Year’s resolutions rarely work; we are just not made to completely change deeply rooted behavior in a short amount of time. What works, however, is making small changes that are easier to stick to.
4.3 Don’t get discouraged
REHApp can help improve your quality of life significantly over time but getting there can be challenging. Setting up a routine isn’t easy, so don’t be too hard on yourself if you miss a training session or two. Don’t get discouraged; just go back to where you left off. For extra motivation, try giving yourself a little reward when you achieve your goals!
- Getting in touch
Legal Manufacturer
SPINETIME Sp. z o. o.
3 Macedonska str., 51-113 Wroclaw, POLAND
Note. If you or your doctor notice any deterioration in your health that may be linked to use of REHApp, please reach out to us under the contact information provided above.
Please reach out to us if you require a paper copy of the Instructions for Use.
Hardware and software compatibility:
For iOS:
On iOS, all Apple smartphone and tablet models running iOS 17.0 or later are supported.
For Android:
On Android, REHApp can be installed and run on all smartphone and tablet models running the Android 13 operating system or later, if they meet Google’s requirements for Android version 13 or later.
A list of Android devices for which REHApp ensures the correct functionality through periodic review can be found at internet.
There are no hidden costs with the REHApp. When you are accessing your Spinetime benefit via your employer’s health plan, it is completely free.
Based on a proprietary system of tissue change analysis, the effectiveness of which has been demonstrated while working with patients, the REHApp is the world’s first device that minimizes the need for contact with a specialist. It enables the diagnosis of dysfunction, understanding of the problem, and the implementation of a therapeutic-preventive program at any time and in any place.
The REHApp offers several advantages to assist you on your wellness journey:
REHApp is a first, automated holistic approach, created and recommended by physicians: The REHApp is based on a holistic approach to spinal pain called multimodal rehabilitation (MMR). MMR is holistic because it addresses not only the biological aspects of pain, but the psychological and social ones, too.
Creates an individualized training program: The REHApp uses your feedback and input to help create a training plan just for you that adapts to your needs. You can adjust the challenge level of the physical exercises yourself by rating them in the REHApp. You can also customize the length of each workout by choosing how many rounds of exercises you want to do. This makes it easy to fit your REHApp training into your daily schedule.
Designed for everyday use: We know that life gets busy. That’s why we designed the exercises in the REHApp to be short and bite-sized. That way, it’s easy to fit your REHApp exercises into your routine, in just 10 to 25 minutes a day.
Lets you train anywhere: With the REHApp, you can do your exercises wherever you find room to put down your exercise mat and get moving!
Helps you become your own wellness specialist: By learning new tools, information, and skills in the REHApp, you can become your own wellness specialist. With the right information and the right training, you can upgrade your habits, stay positive, and keep motivated.
Gives real-time feedback on your exercises: REHApp virtual physical therapy feature offers real-time feedback on how you’re performing the exercises. REHApp virtual physical therapy will let you know right away if you need to make any adjustments as you’re doing the exercises, so you can get the most out of them.
REHApp is a Class I medical device. It was created in response to the need for physiotherapist support in working with patients suffering from musculoskeletal pain. Research conducted under the auspices of the bioethical committee, with the participation of patients, has confirmed the effectiveness of the SpineTime method on which the REHApp system is based. Quantifying musculoskeletal pain is an innovation that allows for standardizing the diagnosis of dysfunction and adjusting therapeutic protocols appropriately to the patient’s condition. No more multiple interpretations of the same problem. Studies have confirmed that guidance, goal setting, and having someone to support accountability improve therapy compliance. By using the REHApp application, you will have access to the history of changes in your condition, regular monitoring, and support that you can easily consult with a clinician. We do not replace specialists but complement and improve the treatment process. Do you have a question or need support? Contact your physiotherapist, reach out to us, or download the REHApp application. Explore whether your problem can be addressed through a physiotherapy program.
As physiotherapists, we believe that we do not treat diseases but assist in restoring optimal mechanics and function of the musculoskeletal system. And we can ALWAYS help with mechanics, regardless of the patient’s condition. Difficulties in accessing rehabilitation prompted us to seek a safe solution that would allow us to examine and understand the causes of musculoskeletal dysfunction.
The REHApp aims to help people understand the nature of their own musculoskeletal dysfunctions, learn to self-manage their back pain, which is not caused by a serious condition and whose cause is unclear. The REHApp also aims to help our patients learn to prevent the recurrence of previous painful symptoms.
Through research, we have demonstrated that regular, self-directed, targeted corrective exercises restore mechanical balance in the musculoskeletal system and have a positive impact on chronic back pain symptoms.
During the analysis of your condition using the REHApp, we will provide you with detailed information about situations in which you should not use it. Additionally, you can find more information in the terms of use.
WARNING: The REHApp cannot diagnose diseases or injuries or uncritically exclude potentially dangerous causes of back pain. Do not use the REHApp as a substitute for medical consultation. Consult a doctor if you have questions about the results of your dysfunction analysis or therapy.
If the cause of your back pain is a disease requiring treatment, such as inflammation or spinal injury, changes in the morphology of the spine, or other diseases, the REHApp is not suitable for you. In such cases, consult a healthcare professional to find other possible methods of self-management suitable for you or inquire if you can still use the REHApp based on your condition.
Do you have a question about your REHApp subscription, your access data, data protection, or do you have a technical concern? We are happy to help you at any time! Please contact us via the email addresses below:
Please allow up to 1 business day for a response. We are happy to provide you with all the necessary information.
Yes, SpineTime via REHApp does have access to PHI and is therefore compliant GDPR in the EU. We understand that your health information is private and personal. We are dedicated to protecting any PHI we receive from you when you use our services. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy and HIPAA Notice.
However, know that when creating an account in REHApp, your data is collected only under the ID number assigned to you and totally anonymized.