
REHApp by SpineTimeTM

AI-powered physiotherapist at your fingertips

A Digital Therapeutic (DTx) tool for immediate diagnosis of musculoskeletal dysfunctions and personalized therapy, confirmed by clinical trials
and used broadly by our patients

Developed in close cooperation with

Get to know

SpineTimeTM System

SpineTime System is based solely on SpineTime INDEX – the world’s first indicator to quantitatively illustrate
musculoskeletal dysfunctions (MSDs) at a distance

SpineTime system holistically analyzes musculoskeletal dysfunctions of the entire musculoskeletal system, not a single spine section

What makes us stand out?

SpineTimeTM offers doctors, physiotherapists, medical facilities, insurance companies – a new, high-quality opportunity to treat & monitor patient’s condition at a distance

Effective diagnosis of musculoskeletal dysfunctions

Risk factors considered

AI-powered decision making algorithm

Personalized self-therapy

Protection of sensitive health data (GDPR, HIPAA, etc.)

Scientifically proven original SpineTime method

Effectively reduces back pain or discomfort by 33%

Provides 6% average improvement in spinal mobility of patients using REHApp

Breakthrough innovation

The future in spinal pain physiotherapy

Self examination

It takes the patient only 10 minutes to complete a simple 6-step PainTest to answer questions about the source, intensity and occurrence of pain

Pain analysis

Once PainTest is completed, the SpineTime System generates a targeted Q&A questionnaire to optimize accuracy in identifying of pain

Diagnosis of dysfunction

SpineTime is the world’s first AI-powered system with scientifically proven algorithms that measure and patiently explain a patient’s pain problems

How does it work?

Take care of yourself and your health now. REHApp is a professional tool created by physiotherapists who, together with their patients, for 10 years have developed an effective method of analysis and personalized therapy of spine pain syndromes. REHApp is a wealth of medical knowledge based on many years of experience and clinical research available on your phone

REHApp is a very friendly and easy-to-use system that also proves to be really accurate in diagnosis. I really like how REHApp takes many aspects into account. This is a real revolution in working with spine pain.

Mary Kaminski
Human Resources Director of NOKIA Polska


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